Organizers Theme Call for Papers Registration Speakers Preconference events Venue Contacts Sponsors 25th August, 2017
Deadline for Paper Submission
28th August, 2017
Deadline for registration in advance of the conference
31st August, 2017
Confirmation of Paper Acceptance
The Bhaktivedanta Institute Bangalore holds academic conferences on various topics often in partnership with other academic institutions or departments. These take place at various venues within Bangalore and will typically comprise a combination of invited plenary speakers and short papers selected by means of a Call for Papers.
Dr. Singh, the founding director of Bhaktivedanta Institue and a pioneer in science-spirituality dialogue, envisioned that Bangalore, being the home to many educational and research institutions and therefore fostering the intellectual manpower, is a fertile ground for promoting the interface between science and spirituality. As a part of his 80 years’ Birth Anniversary celebrations, we plan to organize the 1st Annual Conference “Fusion 2017”. About the Conference
The' FUSION' Annual Conference hosts professionals, research scholars and students to network, share ideas, and discover new approaches in synthesizing science and spirituality. Here you’ll have access to the gathering of your peers. People who you can relate to, learn from, and actively contribute towards the holistic approach in all fields of learning in art, science, philosophy, physics, chemistry, psychology, economics, politics, etc. in the quest for ultimate reality.
The aim of the conference is to promote the interface between science and spirituality, especially to the younger generation. Students are the future of our society. They are being taught the valuable latest scientific and technological developments in various disciplines but are too often lacking the spiritual foundation. This imbalance is a major factor for unrest, unnatural habits, and suicide tendencies, as widely observed among the youth nowadays. In a humble attempt to bridge this gap, we are hosting this conference to encourage the balanced growth of scientific temper and spiritual wisdom. |
Prof. Sudipto Ghosh
IIT Kharagpur Prof. Ramgopal Uppaluri IIT Guwahati Dr. Kalicharan Nayak Rolls Royce, Bangalore Dr. Devraj NDRI Bangalore Sameer Verlekar Synopsys, Bangalore |
Mohan Kumar
Applied Materials, Bangalore Ravi Prakash NDRI Bangalore Kishore K V Entrepreneur, Bangalore K Nagarathna IISc, Bangalore Dr. Jayanarayan T IIT Bombay Dr. Hrishekesh S Bits Pilani, Goa |
Guidelines and Templates for Paper preparation
For Students Only
You are invited to submit an abstract and two page summary for a paper presentation at FUSION2017 9th September 2017. If your submission is accepted, the delegates will be offered a slot for oral presentation in the programme.
Submissions are invited in the following area: Integration of Science and Spirituality in the Technological Society 25th August 2017 Deadline for Paper Submission Papers should be submitted to : [email protected] |
Themes |