Bhaktivedanta Institute is a non-profit organization working for the synthesis of science and religion for the benefit of humanity.
Science and spirituality are certainly two dominant forces that have shaped the course of humanity. In spite of an atmosphere of indifference and occasional rivalry, many eminent thinkers, including scientists as well as theologians, have deeply pondered over the close connection between the two disciplines. They felt the need for a synthesis between them to answer many complex problems of life. These great thinkers have been profoundly inspired by focusing on this synthesis.
In the quest for deeper understanding of the Ultimate reality the cooperative mode of approach, based on the synthesis of science and spirituality can direct the society towards a more meaningful and harmonious living.
As achieving this goal requires sweeping changes in the cultures and core beliefs of both the scientific and religious communities, we believe our mission could transform human consciousness for the greater good and lead to a global social covenant that would profoundly benefit our planet. Our activities towards promoting synthesis of science and spirituality include:
Science - Spiritual Dialogues: We promote quality dialogue between scientific and spiritual leaders by organizing international conferences and local symposiums. We have organized four international conferences, including the most recent one on "Life and Its Origin - Exploration from Science and Spiritual/Religious Traditions."
Publications: We meet and discuss with scientists and scholars from around the world who are interested in the potentials of integration between science and spirituality for a better world and deeper understanding of the nature of reality. We publish these findings in our books and annual journal.
Seminars /Workshops /Conferences /Symposiums: As a part of our outreach program we visit universities conducting science and religion educational presentations. We inform students and faculty about ongoing global efforts on the synthesis of science and spirituality and the opportunities that close cooperation between the two may bring.
Vision and Mission
Our goal is to have spiritual reality accepted and incorporated into scientific research and advancements and to have scientific principles and methods integrated into the practice of spirituality.
To develop a center for advanced studies in science and spirituality focusing on a consciousness based paradigm of Vedanta to resolve the mind-body problems, the questions of evolution, origin of life and the universe and many other philosophical, ethical and moral human concerns.
To promote scientific, philosophical and religious dialogue among scientists, scholars and religionists of the world.
To provide an opportunity for scientists and religious scholars to learn from each other and there-by broaden their respective world-view.